Most bank-connected accounts are set up for an automatic refresh. This means your account will update once every 24 hours. The refreshes usually take place sometime between 2 AM and 6 AM, in the local time of the capital of the country where the financial institution is located.
Some banks require manual refresh, for example, if your bank uses Multi-factor authentication (MFA*). In this case, you can update multiple times a day if you choose, however, we recommend waiting about 2 hours between refreshes.
For both types of accounts, a refresh should update Board with your recent, bank-cleared transactions. You cannot change the status of your refreshes to automatic or manual; this is set up by the banks.
*Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that requires more than one verification method such as questions, images, or codes in order to gain access to your accounts. If your bank requires the interactive stage of Multi Factor Authentication, we can't automatically refresh the feeds. These connections will require manual refresh.
Note: If after 24 - 48 hours there are transactions in your bank's site which are not up to date in Board, please contact our support team for further assistance. Information about the bank's name, the last few digits of the account and screenshots will be required