Available for:
- Android
- iOS
- WebApp
If we support the bank which issues your credit card, there is a good chance you can add it in Board.
Adding Credit Card through Bank Sync
1. Under the Bank Sync feature search for the card's issuing bank
2. Fill in the details about the country and your credit card's bank name
3. When you connect to the bank, your card should appear as an option to connect
However, if it does not appear, please send (here) the following details to the support team:
- The issuing bank of your card
- The last four digits of your card
- Yes or no, when you manage your credit card online, is it through the same website like your other accounts with this bank? Or is it a separate website with only your CC transactions? Either way, a screenshot of this website would be helpful.
With this information, we can let you know whether or not your card can become supported in Board.
Adding Credit Card as Manual Account
If your bank is not yet supported in Board, don't worry - you can add your credit card manually.
- Open Main Menu ☰
- In the Accounts tab, add a new account by tapping on (+) button
- Choose Manual Input and fill in all necessary details (name, bank acc. number, type (Select Credit Card), credit card limit, currency etc.)
- Confirm saving the account
- Tap on the gear icon in the top-right (⚙) and select Accounts and again select the + (plus) icon to add a new account
- Choose Manual Input and fill in all necessary details (name, bank acc. number, type (Select Credit Card), credit card limit, currency etc.)
- Confirm saving the account
- In the Accounts section, add a new account by clicking on + Add button
- Choose Manual Input and fill in all necessary details (name, bank acc. number, type (Select Credit Card), credit card limit, currency, due day of month etc)
- Confirm saving the account
Credit Card Balance Setup
All platforms:
You can change how your credit card balance is displayed, when you set up the account:
1. Select the type as credit card by tapping on the Type field
2. In the Balance Display Options field, choose either
Available Credit (this will show a positive balance of the amount you still have available).
Credit Balance (this will show a negative balance of the amount you owe).
This gives you the power to choose how you'd like to view your card's balance in Board.