Contacts in Board refer to your business customers, vendors, employees, and all other counterparties with whom you make business and/or exchange money.
Use Contacts to review your financial history with individual counterparties, plan your future revenues or costs, monitor payments due or overdue, etc.
For the best use of Board, make sure all records (transactions, planned payments, etc.) are assigned to a respective contact. In case of records automatically uploaded from your bank, the contacts are assigned based on rules that you custom define.
Use Cases
Use 1 - Review history with parties
- Use Contacts to review your cash flow history with a specific counterparty. You can access that history not only from the Contact list (i.e Contact detail), but also by filtering your view by Contacts in a number of performance analysis charts or across the entire Board application.
Use 2 - Plan future cash flow
- More importantly, use the Contact list to plan your future cash flow. Review each Contact and set your plan (Planned Payment), be it your future revenues from a customer or future costs related to a vendor or employee. Use the Contact list to make sure all your plans in the Board application are complete.
- Automatic rules help you to correctly assign a transaction to a Contact along a Category. When defining the rules, you are inherently organizing your Contacts into Categories. In case you need to reorganize the structure in the future, you can do so through the rules and apply it backwards into the past records.