Available for:
- iOS
- Android
- Web App
Options when creating your template: - Template name - Choose a title for your template
- Account - Can only choose manual accounts
- Currency - Your base currency or an additional currency
- Category - Assign a category to your template
- Payment Type - Method of how the payment is made
- Labels - Labels help you group together income and expense records and filter them
- Note - Add a note to your template
- Payee - The Contact to whom money is being paid
- Type - either an Income or Expense
How to set up your template
- Go to settings
- Templates
- Tap the + (plus) button
- Edit your new template
- Tap on More
- Settings
- Templates
- Tap the + (plus) icon to create your template and edit it
Web App:
- Click on your account in the top-right, then Settings
- From Board Control panel select Templates
- Add a new template by clicking on the + Add button
- Edit your new template
Note: Templates are used to quickly create records and help speed up the process and save you time.