Available on:
- Android
- iOS
- WebApp
Currencies can be found under Settings - Currencies. The rate will be automatically updated if you have an internet connection and the setting "Currency rate updates" is turned on, this setting can be changed from Settings - Notifications, this applies to Android. If you use iOS, the currency rate update can be turned on or off directly from the Settings - Currencies page. The exchange rate for manually updated currencies can be changed from the same page by tapping on the currency.
In the WebApp you can find Currencies under your profile ID from the top-right on the page, then Settings and Currencies. The currency rate update on the WebApp can only be manual and is set up when creating the additional currency, it can be updated from the same page by clicking on the Edit button.
How to change the order of currencies (Android)
- By tapping on and holding the icon on the right, and dragging the items up or down.
How to delete a currency
Note: It is not possible to delete the default (referential) currency that was set when you first created the account. The only way to change the default currency is to delete your user profile (here) and start over with a new currency. It is also not possible to delete a currency if you have an account or records in that currency. You must delete these records first.
Tap on the specific currency you want to delete
Tap on the 🗑 symbol and confirm
More / Settings
Tap on the currency code you want to delete.
On the Edit Currency page, tap Delete Currency.
Go to Settings, then Currencies
Click on Delete for the currency you want to remove